Wednesday, July 16, 2008

5 Cents to Charity? Heck Yeah! (or) 3 Cheers for Whole Foods!

Just a quick note to give Whole Foods some props.

The store in Hillcrest has just instituted a program whereby you can elect to donate the 5 cent bag refund you get for bringing in your own bags to charity. I was informed that the charity will rotate from time to time (yesterday, I had the privilege of giving to St. Paul's [I think], which provides assistance to the elderly so they can continue to live on their own).

I don't know about you, but I think this is awesome. I never really benefited from the refund; at most I saved myself 20 cents. But all of those refunds add up and I think they'll be able to do some good. And really, who is going to say no when the cashier says, "would you like to donate your 5 cent bag refund to charity?" It's 5 cents! Take it!

I'm not sure if this is a corporate wide thing, but if your local Whole Foods doesn't do this yet, next time you are there suggest that they do. And if they are already doing it, give them a high five. Because if you are shopping at Whole Foods, you don't need the 5 cents. And somebody else definitely does.