Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Deadly Dinner Party (or) Things To Do in a Circle

I got home not too long ago and I am having a very difficult time getting to sleep. Why? Because I am freaked out, that's why. Our weekly dinner parties were reinstated this week, owing to the return of a crucial member of our group. Vans hosted this evening because she is house-sitting in a very large house. Sweet, right? Wrong. Scary. This house is filled to the brim with creepy antiques and paintings of demon children who will most definitely suck out your soul.
Dinner was awesome, as always, but then someone got the hot idea to have a seance. Gotta say, I was scared. Stephanie has a very convincing way of conjuring spirits, and feeling the waves of anxiety flowing through our circle of hands was unnerving. Nothing happened. Not tonight, anyway. We're doing it again tomorrow when we have books and oils and stuff. I'm scared of that too.
Anyway, all of this got me thinking about circles and how when you are young, there are a lot of games you play in circles. Duck-Duck-Goose, Postman/Telephone. As you get to be a teenager, the really fun ones start- Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle, that one where you have a piece of paper and you have to pass it from mouth to mouth by sucking and blowing. Awesome. But as you get to be an adult, there really isn't much you do in a circle anymore. The occasional board game (or seance, I suppose), but really nothing else. Why is that? Is that even remotely important?
The circle seems like a really important shape. Unifying, all inclusive, unbroken. Yet we abandon it as adults. It's like we're all segmented and don't want to be part of a whole anymore. I don't know. I'm probably reading too much into this. But I think we should do our part to bring the institution of the circle back to the adult world.
Who's up for a little spin-the-bottle?


Sares said...

Oh, little Manthers loved the creepy house. I was to be sorely disappointed in her reaction to the house of demonic child spirits.
I knew you were scuuurreeedd. :)

I like circles. They are very comforting and whole...however, every know and then it is very important to break the circle.

I am whole-heartedly interested in reinstating the circle into our adult lives. Spin the bottle sounds quite delicious; however only if we invite certain crushes and I don't have to kiss anyone else. Tee hee hee.

Erika said...

I got the link to your blog through Sares. I'm glad to read so many lovely lady writers on the "internets." Thus I have decided we shall be friends, and for us the blog shall be our forum.

It's funny what you write about circles. I've thought of that too, how infrequently we gather in this shape as adults. My great desire is for a round dining table, but for the time being I barely have room for a coffee table.

I'll have to write a post of stealing Nessie this weekend.