Friday, February 20, 2009

Return from the Real World (or) Blogshead Revisited

I recently have made many changes in my life-- moving out on my own, ending a relationship with the greatest guy I have ever known, starting grad school. All of this I did with the intention of further filling my well of experience and broadening my emotional scope, hoping that this would inform and enrich my writing. The problem is, the trauma that accompanies such major life changes is enough to deplete one of the time and energy to write anything at all. It has been over six months since I have touched my blog, four months since I have written a page in either of my books, and lord knows the last time I cracked open my journal. Is all of this newfound maturity and wisdom going to go to waste because I haven't been recording it as it develops? Will I soon find myself as jaded as I once was, no longer appreciating the newness of life alone, of forging my own way? Probably.

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