Thursday, June 26, 2008

Adventures in Homebuying (or) You Want $400K for THAT?!?!

The Peanut and I are looking into buying our first home.

The timing seems right; we're bringing in a fairly decent income, house prices are dropping faster than Lindsay Lohan's panties, and we're reaching "that age."

Then why are my insides churning like vegan butter?

Is it the anticipation of so much financial responsibility?

Is it the hippie in me yearning to be free of material encumbrances?

Do I feel like this step symbolizes the end of my fleeting childhood?

Probably all of these. But add to it the impossibility of finding a reasonably priced home in San Diego, in a neighborhood that doesn't make you want to clutch your purse to your chest and carry a loaded weapon, and you have a recipe for potential homeowner heebee-jeebees.

And that, dear reader, is where you find me this evening: suffering from a severe case of potential homeowner heebee-jeebees.

The Peanut and I looked at quite a few homes this evening, and all of the ones even remotely in our price range were either minuscule (read: smaller than our current apartment) or in a part of Tijuana that they've managed to tack, undetected, into the heart of San Diego. But I guess this is the kind of stuff "grown-ups" need to deal with. I just wasn't ready to face it so soon.

Despite the pity-party I'm having for myself, I also encountered several people today who are simply waiting around to lose their homes. Here I am, thinking, "Gee, this place is so tiny. I'll hardly have space for my craft studio..." while a family of eight is struggling against eviction. That ultimately brought to mind the harsh realities of modern life and just how many of us won't ever be afforded financial comfort and stability. So really, I should feel blessed that buying a home is even in the realm of possibility for us. And, of course, I am grateful. But it doesn't make the process any less daunting or terrifying.

I've reached no conclusions on the issue. But this happens to be what is crushing my head (a la Kids in the Hall) at the moment.

We're going out again this weekend; perhaps things will be better. The Peanut says we should put our house options to vote on my blog. We'll see. Maybe things are about to get interactive!


Sares said...

I say hold out for something that you really love...prices will be dropping for a little while more and this will be your home, your place of comfort. And who wants to leave the second best apt. ever. Mine was def #1 :)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. My childhood ended on me, and I'm about as far away from potential home buyer as one could financially be. I say nab you a house, and make the mourning that much sweeter.

KDD said...

Just the fact that you guys can buy something is pretty amazing at your age. Honestly, you should be really happy about that. I say, buy something when you find something swell and perfect for ya'll. This really is the best time for buying. A real estate person/family friend told me that the market will be going up in the next 5 years.

Get something, then invite us over for bombardment.