Sunday, June 22, 2008

Motivations (or) Why write a blog?

The subject is indeed important! For the human mind is capable of being excited without the application of gross and violent stimulants; and he must have a very faint perception of its beauty and dignity who does not know this, and who does not further know, that one being is elevated above another, in proportion as he possesses this capability. It has therefore appeared to me, that to endeavour to produce or enlarge this capability is one of the best services in which, at any period, a Writer can be engaged; but this service, excellent at all times, is especially so at the present day. For a multitude of causes, unknown to former times, are now acting with a combined force to blunt the discriminating powers of the mind, and, unfitting it for all voluntary exertion, to reduce it to a state of almost savage torpor. The most effective of these causes are the great national events which are daily taking place, and the increasing accumulation of men in cities, where the uniformity of their occupations produces a craving for extraordinary incident, which the rapid communication of intelligence hourly gratifies. to this tendency of life and manners the literature and theatrical exhibitions of the country have conformed themselves.
-William Wordsworth "Preface to Lyrical Ballads" 1800

That's why.

Ok, so maybe this isn't a fair assessment of what is to come. You'd get the impression that I was trying for high art. Or even midrange art. Not the case, really. Not art at all. But I am certainly not here to shock, amaze, or otherwise cater to the needs of the modern man with his blunted discriminatory powers either.

I think my goal is simply to present a life gratefully lived and hope that it may inspire readers to embrace reality in the spirit of art, rather than seek out the extraordinary to escape their reality. Life is not something that warrants escaping. And if you think it is, no offense, but you're doing it wrong.

Love, peace, and cupcakes.

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