Sunday, June 22, 2008

Eating RedVines at 3 Am (or) Go to Bed for God's Sake!

Fact: I am eating RedVines and drinking Brisk at 3 o'clock in the morning. (Is that where the apostrophe goes in o'clock? I'm never sure...)

Why? Because I had them left over from a Cohen Brothers "Cinema Under the Stars" extravaganza and I am not ready to relegate the thoughts of today to the hazy fog of my memory. Therefore, I must record them for posterity before diminishing the vividness by rendering myself comatose via reruns of The Office (goddamn Darryl is dreamy).

At any rate, step one in super fun day: Go to the beach in street clothes. Eat vegan ice cream out of a carton. Talk to good buddy. Talk to strange stoner dude self-named after a particularly wild breed of canis lupus.

Step two: Go to dinner with interesting people at local Mexican bistro. Eat adequate guac, but feel saddened by the fact that the black bean and kabocha soup amounts to little more than a disappointing mass of refried beans. Watch fellow vegetarians pick chunks of meat from supposedly vegetarian tacos. Add said bistro to list of places one does not need to visit again.

Step three: Attend a screening of "Raising Arizona" at local outdoor movie theater. Laugh hysterically. Make movie mate laugh hysterically by snorting unexpectedly. Contemplate your strange and fascinating physical attraction to one John Goodman. Consume copious amounts of sugar and artificial dyes.

Step four: Track down a park where cops won't ticket you for being out after 10. Spend an hour perfecting your mad handstand skills. Laugh at yourself because after an hour you still come nowhere close to having mad handstand skills. Laugh again at the fact that you have now twice typed "mad handstand skills" (that's three!)

Step five: Drive in a generally eastward direction till you come to a campground where there is a supposed waterfall. Walk 30 yards before determining that waterfalls are best seen during the day and when there is a slimmer chance of being harassed by park rangers.

Step six: Go to local dive bar. Have a pint. Discuss the importance of beards, their ability to create chins where no chin exists, and to render interesting otherwise pointless faces.

Step seven: Go home and avoid the inevitability of going to bed and the possibility that tomorrow just won't be as good.

Here is to making each day better than the last.


(Insert RedVine straw into bottle of Brisk. Suck heartily.)

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